Type of visa (immigration status)

Visa waiver for temporary visitor for business or tourism stays of fewer than 90 days.

UTSA departments may have international guests come to our campus to conduct or attend a workshop, conference, present a lecture, observe, participate in a short training, or conduct independent research for a short period of time.  An International visitor engaging in temporary academic, educational, or professional activities as described above, may not require UTSA visa sponsorship.  In these cases, the visitor can use/apply for a B-1 business visitor visa or make use of the Visa Waiver Program.
NOTE: The B-1 business visitor category is not appropriate for visitors engaging in active in-lab research or collaborative activities that will benefit UTSA in any way.  Visitors involved in exchange programs, a formal collaboration between institutions, or joint research projects from which UTSA will benefit should use the J-1 Exchange Visitor visa.
Visa sponsorship, such as the J or H category, is needed for visits lasting longer than a few weeks that involve salary paid by UTSA.  If unsure about which visa category you should use for your visitor please contact Ashley Wallace at the International Scholar Services for assistance.
Prior to inviting your visitor to campus please remember to read important and helpful information from the UTSA Office of Research about hosting international visitors.

Eligibility criteria

  • Valid authorization
  • Must be from an eligible country. Country list change; check USCIS.gov for information.

Possible income from U.S. sources

  • Honoraria only

Maximum length of stay in the U.S.

  • Fewer than 90 days


  • Limited paperwork
  • Can be re-admitted to the U.S. after short trips to Canada, Mexico, or adjacent islands


  • Cannot be extended
  • Must be enrolled in US-VISIT Program through U.S. Department of Homeland Security
  • Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) is required
  • Not possible to change from visa waiver status without first leaving the U.S. and securing new status at the appropriate U.S. consulate/embassy in the country of unrelinquished residence
  • Only available to some residents of certain participating countries
  • No collaborative research that directly benefits UTSA

Supporting documentation needed

  • Present passport valid for six months past expected stay
  • Proof of sufficient funds

Section 2

Bacon ipsum dolor amet turkey corned beef kielbasa andouille ham pig, chicken beef tail ball tip filet mignon beef ribs meatloaf landjaeger. Beef ribs short ribs meatloaf alcatra. Leberkas fatback turducken shankle sirloin jowl pork tenderloin t-bone. Pastrami andouille jerky venison ball tip ham. Ham hock pork loin prosciutto meatloaf, short ribs spare ribs chicken t-bone biltong frankfurter sirloin tail jowl.

Beef andouille cupim, jerky filet mignon turkey shoulder. Alcatra landjaeger venison cupim ground round prosciutto pork belly spare ribs meatloaf short ribs chicken chuck beef kevin sausage. Flank tri-tip meatloaf strip steak beef ribs andouille. Picanha pork porchetta pig fatback. Kevin prosciutto beef, corned beef turkey biltong sirloin boudin bresaola swine flank beef ribs filet mignon ham doner.

Doner pork loin sirloin pork filet mignon fatback swine meatball alcatra flank capicola jowl tri-tip. Pastrami short loin tongue fatback cupim landjaeger. Landjaeger corned beef tri-tip sausage pork chop leberkas. Meatball alcatra beef ribs pig, tail shankle flank picanha boudin brisket sausage. Bresaola tongue corned beef brisket bacon doner, tenderloin short loin pork chop. Drumstick boudin beef meatball.

Bacon ipsum dolor amet turkey corned beef kielbasa andouille ham pig, chicken beef tail ball tip filet mignon beef ribs meatloaf landjaeger. Beef ribs short ribs meatloaf alcatra. Leberkas fatback turducken shankle sirloin jowl pork tenderloin t-bone. Pastrami andouille jerky venison ball tip ham. Ham hock pork loin prosciutto meatloaf, short ribs spare ribs chicken t-bone biltong frankfurter sirloin tail jowl.

Beef andouille cupim, jerky filet mignon turkey shoulder. Alcatra landjaeger venison cupim ground round prosciutto pork belly spare ribs meatloaf short ribs chicken chuck beef kevin sausage. Flank tri-tip meatloaf strip steak beef ribs andouille. Picanha pork porchetta pig fatback. Kevin prosciutto beef, corned beef turkey biltong sirloin boudin bresaola swine flank beef ribs filet mignon ham doner.

Doner pork loin sirloin pork filet mignon fatback swine meatball alcatra flank capicola jowl tri-tip. Pastrami short loin tongue fatback cupim landjaeger. Landjaeger corned beef tri-tip sausage pork chop leberkas. Meatball alcatra beef ribs pig, tail shankle flank picanha boudin brisket sausage. Bresaola tongue corned beef brisket bacon doner, tenderloin short loin pork chop. Drumstick boudin beef meatball.